Great Moraq

Great Moraq is the largest island in the known world. It has two major cities, Faros and Port Moraq, and serves as a rest point for sailors traveling the Jade Sea trade routes.



  Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Stops b t/d   k q ʔ
Fricatives f s   x~χ  
Nasals m n        
Approximants   r, l j w    


  Front Central Back
Close i   u
Close-Mid e   o
Open   a  

Note: For the sake of simplicity, the following changes have been made to the usual phonetic descriptions of various IPA characters:

  • “Labial” is used as a cover term for bilabial and labio-dental.
  • [ǝ] has been placed in the Open Mid row.
  • To shorten the tables, “Approximant” is used as a cover term for approximants, glides, taps, and trills.
  • Where a consonant or pair of consonants appears in two columns, it means that place distinction is unimportant for the phoneme(s) in question.