June 13: Questions and Relative Clauses

Today we discussed questions and relative clauses and some other stuff. I assigned a landmark paper by Grice today, and I know it’s a little long, but trust me, you’re going to want to read this eventually in your linguistics career and/or life. It’s foundational. Easily ten times more important than Chomsky’s entire Ĺ“uvre, and I mean that seriously.

Material From Today’s Class






  • Today you got some new borrowed words! I want you to take them back, apply your sound changes to them (based on when you got the word), and post in #lexicon what they now mean in your language (plus where or who you got them from).


  • (None Today)


  • MA7 on word order, valency, relative clauses, and questions (a bit).
  • Still looking at MA8.
  • Keep looking at your final assignment.

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